“With 9.0.5 behind us, we wanted to take a moment to update you on the 9.1 content for
Shadowlands,” community manager Liam ‘Bornakk’ Knapp shares.
“In about two weeks, we will have Chains of Domination available for the community on the PTR. Also, raid testing details will be posted a week or so after the PTR is online. There will be a wide variety of content to check out for Chains of Domination, so as usual, your testing will play a key role in iterating on this update. We can’t wait to get this in front of you and look forward to your feedback soon.”
According to the conversation with the developers, the work on Patch 9.1 is going to be tough. Of course you want Shadowlands to be a great expansion, but even the Shadowlands release was just about done. The pandemic is certainly also to blame for the delays. Although Blizzard has assured that many colleagues in the home office have everything they need to work and communicate with the other departments, in a team with 250+ employees everything will not run as smoothly as in the offices in Irvine .
What happened? A new entry was found in the files for the playable races of
World of Warcraft in patch 9.1. The file with the name "mortal_steward" was discovered, which made many players prick up their ears. Because "steward" is the English term for the provosts from Bastion - the little owls who support you everywhere and are practically the craftsmen of the Kyrians.
At first suspicion, the Dataminers also searched older game data more closely and found new entries, so that it seems clear: Provosten will be a new, allied race in World of Warcraft!
Not only is this good news because there will be something for bored adventurers to try, but it will reveal a lot more detail about what’s new in the content package, and we can also finally start estimating roughly when it will be available on live servers.
Chains of Domination picks up after the defeat of Sire Denathrius, the leader of the Venthyr covenant and head honcho of Revendreth. You’ll be plunging into new depths of the Jailer’s domain to piece together more of his future schemes. To foil them, you’ll need to bring the four renewed covenants together and defeat the Jailer’s new champion, who is a “cruel instrument of despair conscripted by Sylvanas Windrunner”.
The raid Knapp refers to is a ten-boss affair called the Sanctum of Domination. It takes place in Torghast, and tasks you with swatting aside baddies until you stumble across the Banshee Queen and, well, swat her aside, too.
In the clip, Towelliee mentions that the delays could, in the worst case, lead to content having to be deleted at the end of the expansion. Because normally Patch 9.1 would be released now and work on Patch 9.2 could begin. Instead, it seems to be in the middle of planning for Patch 9.1.
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